Novastar Firmware Upgrade Step-by-Step Instruction Here!
Today we will discuss important knowledge points for you – how to do Novastar firmware upgrade by NovaLCT? This is necessary for you to know as the correct firmware setting is the basic point for you to achieve following configuration no matter for receiving card or sending card.
Here we will give you quick but most effective guidance through pictures and descriptions! Just follow us step-by-step, and you can master the Novastar firmware upgrade fully!
But first of all, what is the LED display firmware package?
Three Reasons of Firmware Upgrade
2. How Can You Get Novastar Firmware Packages?
2.3 What Are My Sending Card and Receiving Card Firmware Versions?
3. How to Do Novastar Firmware Upgrade?
4. How to Read Back Data Package of Receiving Card?
What Are the Functions of Reading Back?
1. What Is Firmware Package?
The firmware package refers to the collection of system control commands, which means all functions to be implemented by the LED control system will be obtained from this package.
For both sending card and receiving card, there are default firmware packages that are set up in the factory. Without the package, the device will be unusable.
Now we know there will be a default version, why do we need to upgrade Novastar firmware?
Three Reasons of Firmware Upgrade
The reasons can be listed as follow:
(1) To fix bugs through upgrades to optimize product function and enhance system stability.
(2) Achieve new features through upgrades.
(3) Solve the problem of the image displaying caused by different firmware packages.
2. How Can You Get Novastar Firmware Packages?
Generally speaking, you can get them from official websites, or ask the support staff.
Here are two types of packages – standard firmware and customized firmware. The latter one is for conditions when there are some functions that can not be achieved by the standard one, and need to be customized.
2.1 Standard Firmware
This is the officially released firmware version. You can download it from official websites, or ask the service staff for it.
2.2 Customized Firmware
This version is needed when some functions are not in the mainstream of the market, or cannot be met by the standard version.
The official recommends customers keep using the customized firmware. At the same time, not upgrade Novastar firmware without consulting display manufacturers or technical support staff.
2.3 What Are My Sending Card and Receiving Card Firmware Versions?
How to check the sending card and receiving card firmware versions? First, we need to log in to the NovaLCT software.

Next, please choose “Setting”, and then click “Hardware Information” in the pull-down list.

As the picture shows, the sending card firmware version is, and you can scroll down the list to see more information about receiving card firmware.
Sometimes the name of versions will include “STD”, meaning this version is standard.
3. How to Do Novastar Firmware Upgrade?
First of all, please choose “Advanced Synchronous System UserLogin”, and the password is “admin”.

Here are two steps for you to do: Novastar receiving card firmware update and sending card firmware update.
Click “Refresh” first to log in to the current information, and then choose “Browse” to choose the program path to load the firmware file.
After loading, please choose “Refresh” again to update the version information.

When you choose to load receiving card firmware, there will be a pop-up window as follow. And in this window, you can choose whether apply this firmware to all receiving cards or specified receiving card and press OK.

It is easy, right? Just choose the right versions, and then load them into your control system and all things will be done for you.
Next, I will introduce to you how to read back the data package of receiving cards.
4. How to Read Back Data Package of Receiving Card?
Please notice Axs series, DH series, MRV206, MRV266, MRV328, MRV316 and MRV366 series receiving cards all support you directly readback the current data package from the receiving card. And this function can help you save time and energy to enable your receiving card to work in the same setting.
What Are the Functions of Reading Back?
There are some parameters set in the receiving card, and you can just read back to get the file and save it. And next time when we need to change a new receiving card, we can just load the file we obtained and set it to the new receiving card.
The steps are also simple:
(1) Choose read back of receiving card, and then save the extracted file.
(2) Upload the file, and apply it to all receiving cards. Then you can make all your receiving cards work under the same setting.

5. Novastar VX4s Firmware Update
Updating the firmware can cause compatibility issues between the sender board and the display hardware. Only update when advised by NovaStar Support.
The method of Novastar VX4s Firmware update is also simple, just follow the steps above, and do not forget to find the right firmware versions.
Click here to find download resources of Novastar VX4s!
If you want to achieve Novastar VX6s firmware update, then the process you can also refer to.
6. To Sum up
We have introduced to you how to do Novastar firmware upgrade: first, you need to know the meanings of firmware package upgrade – to add more functions, or fix bugs in the control system.
Second, get the right firmware versions from the official or just read back.
Third, try to upload the files for your LED sending cards and receiving cards.
We also talked about how to read back receiving card firmware so you can use the extracted files to save time, and also enable the uniform effect! This is all contents of our guidance of Novastar firmware upgrade. For any more FAQs about LED display screen and LED control system, welcome turn to our LED FAQ page or Novastar LED Training!