How to Choose From LINSN MA&MAX&MAGIC&NG Series LED Display Panel?
There are several rental items you can choose from which our engineers made full cover usages range for all indoor&outdoor rental applications about the designs. All these are our most functional and latest SMD LED display screen series. You can refer to this article to choose the best LED display panel for your projects!
The main rental items we recommend are 4 series: MA, MAX, MAGIC, and NG.
1. MA series LED Display Panel
Keywords: High-value performance, indoor MA item can be fixed installation
The MA series is just our most high-value performance indoor&outdoor rental items. The MA cabinets use good quality Magnesium-Aluminum alloy material and can be used at all of the rental events. Compare to other rental LED Display series, the MA has simplified design and saving costs.
Sometimes, for indoor fixed installation projects, customers would choose the indoor MA cabinets while they would be lighter than steel fixed installation cabinets and easier be installed, the cost would be not much more than the steel cabinets` solution. However, the outdoor MA series is not suggested as an outdoor fixed installation.
Disadvantages: The outdoor MA series is unavailable for front service.

2. MAX series SMD LED Screen
Keywords: Hard connection, outdoor can be front service, High-level design for rental
The MAX series is our high-level design for rental usage. The power and the receiving card had assembled as one unit, the module`s connection to the cabinet just with matched hard connectors. The handle design just matched the best human body mechanics
The outdoor MAX series can be front service, the cost would be much higher than MA series.

3. Magic series Indoor/Outdoor SMD LED Display
Keywords: low cost than MAX series, Hard connection, outdoor can be front service.
The Magic series just developed after MAX items while our customers require better cost for outdoor front service rental items than the MAX series.
Magic just keeps the hard connection design which is easier to be maintained, the module design would be a thicker design than the MAX item but cost less than MAX.

4. NG series LED Display Panels
Keyword: 500*500 item can be right angle installation.
The NG series is our latest developed rental design, it’s also a hard connection based on MA series, the most important point is that the 500*500mm cabinet can be as 90 degrees angle with 45degrees cabinets.

Overall, for indoor rental items, our 4 series just all good choices, for outdoor if you need front service can choose MAX or Magic series. And if you need a right angle solution, our NG items would be a good choice for LED display panel.