How to Make 3D Billboard? Simple and Quick Guidance!

How to make 3D billboard? If you have such a question then it is right for you to read this post. We will introduce to you why such amazing 3D effect can be created, and what are the critical points when you try to pick the proper 3D display.

How Do 3D Billboards Work?

We can explain this principle in a simple manner:

There are two images that will be displayed on the LED screen. However, they are taken from two different perspectives and can be combined into single footage.

It is just like a little trick for your eyes – the 3D effect is achieved by this special processing technology, but the screen itself is still 2D dimension.

So, what is the detail? 

For the 3D naked-eye screen, two different images are displayed, and both photos are taken from two different angles to be combined.

Therefore, our left and right eyes see different images with no obvious perception, resulting in the depth observed in 3D video clips.

3d-led-billboard technology

Just like the picture shows, right eyes and left eyes will receive different images thus 3D visual effect will be created.

Now, you may have already understood how to make a 3D billboard: A high-quality 2D LED display + display contents.

So, is there any key points for you to make sure these two parts can all work well to bring you ideal visual effect?

Of course! Now we will start explain to you what you should notice when choose your right 3D LED screen, and content providers.

How to Make A 3D Billboard?

Here we will list the needed features of 3D LED displays for you.

1. Seamless curved LED displays

First, you need to choose a seamless LED display, especially when needing a curved LED display.

how to make 3d billboard

Just as the pictures show many of 3D LED billboards will have a corner, thus it is important for them to have a seamless surface and smooth connection. Otherwise, the visual effect will become not so real at all.

Linsn provides perfect curved LED displays as we can combine a 90-degree LED display with a common flat LED screen to create the best final effect!

of800 3d

Like the product pictures above, we manufactured special curved LED display to connect with our high-quality LED display screen to make the perfect corner.

2. High-standard configurations

As 3D digital billboard need to display high-definition 3D contents, the configurations should be high standard. Here are the requirements for its refreshment, grayscale, and dynamic contrast.

(1) high refreshment: ≥3840hz

(2) High grayscale: ≥14bit

(3) High dynamic contrast

(4) Configure multi-graphics card

A professional decoder and 3D video source are also needed. And for outdoor LED billboard, the brightness level should reach certain level to show the images clearly even under sunlight.

3. 3D content for displaying

To get the ideal 3D contents you want, generally, there are some steps to do:

(1) Discuss creative pre-design/preview/style: PDF, image, design drawings, creative explanation, etc.

(2) Customer data organization: such as LOGO, character IP, copywriting, etc.

(3) Data collection: it is formulated for on-site information

(4) Effect reference: It is formulated for on-site information

Also, there are more things to do after these preparations. But do not worry, 3D content provider will take hold for you. We will discuss how to ensure you get satisfied 3D videos then.

How to Make Satisfied 3D Advertising Contents?

Typically, 3D advertising contents are produced by professional providers, and some details you need to give to them for making better 3D effect.

1. The brands and products introduction

Helps designers understand the brand or product

2. Provide relevant KV main visual diagram

PSD layered images with above 1080P resolution

3. Creative appeal points

Discuss some important creative points expresses about the brand or product

4. Related AI information

Such as LOGO, standard characters, etc.

The more accurate the material, the better the effect.

Official production period

1. Static mirroring
2. Dynamic mirroring, mirroring refinement
3. LED scene restoration
4. Three-dimensional scene
5. Character, product animation
6. Rendering output
7. Post synthesis
8. Finished output
9. Finished video correction
10. Upload the screen

To Sum up

How to make 3D billboard? You may have answers now after reading this short post: high-quality 3D LED displays and 3D contents. Also, we give you the process of creating 3D advertising contents and the required index for chosen LED display.

Full Guidance of 3D Advertising Billboard

If you want to know more useful information about 3D adverting and 3D digital screens, here is full guidance!

Just click 3D Billboard to turn to the 2022 ultimate introduction including products, prices, and technology of 3D billboard screens.

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